Rapid-Set Marine-Tex cures in one hour at 72°F. This 1:1 epoxy paste provides a good bond to fill cracks and voids in fiberglass, steel, aluminum, wood, cast iron and many hard plastics.
Rapid-Set is formulated for quick machinery and mechanical repairs, dockside or at-sea, to get back underway with minimum downtime. It is also used to secure hardware and loose fasteners.
Rapid-Set is available in gray 2 oz kits.
Directions for use
1. Mix the two components in equal amounts with a putty stick or hard plastic squeegee on a broad flat surface. Mix only enough for 5 minutes of nominal working time.
2. After components are thoroughly mixed, spread the gray putty into a long thin line to ensure a streak-free consistency and to provide you with maximum working time.
3. Near the end of its working time, the mixture will become very warm, and it should be discarded. (Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wear rubber or vinyl gloves and eye protection. Wash hands immediately after use.)