Another Successful Wind Grouting Installation in Greater Changhua with Densit® Ducorit® S5R

Pumpable, Ultra-High Performance Cementitious Grout

111 Densit grouted wind turbine jacket foundation are now successfully installed at the Greater Changhua 1 and 2a offshore wind farm in the Taiwan Strait.

About 35-50 km off the nearby coast, the construction will make use of an estimated 19,000 tons of Ducorit® S5R, a pumpable, Ultra-High Performance Cementitious (UHPC) material especially developed for structural grouted connections.

Having successfully completed the previous offshore wind grout installation in Changhua County, the ITW Performance Polymers’ proven project management team and superior Densit cementitious grout were utilized for this installation.

The construction started in 2021 and was finished August 2022. Upon completion, three-legged jacket foundations firmly stand, adding to the long-proven track record of successful Densit grouted foundations in Taiwan.

Continuous grout pumping through the night
Continuous grout pumping through the night

Structural Capabilities

The DNV-certified Ducorit S5R offers best-in-class flow properties including at high temperatures. Additionally, it’s ultra-high strength, long-term durability and consistent quality has made it a staple in offshore wind farm installations globally.

For durable, cost-effective connections between foundation piles and sleeves (or transition pieces), Ducorit grouting material is used as a structural component. The reliability and quality of the Densit grouting solution is critical to this 900 MW project boasting of 111 Siemens Gamesa 8 MW turbines.

The greater Changhua wind farm is expected to provide clean energy to approximately 1 million households.

For information about Densit offshore grouting solutions, please contact us at

Mixer spread onboard Vessel
Mixer spread onboard Vessel
Bags of Densit Ducorit S5R
Bags of Densit Ducorit S5R
Mixer spread and 2 ton Densit grout bag
Mixer spread and 2 ton Densit grout bag
Densit Jacket installation
Densit Jacket installation
Changhua Densit Ducorit jacket grouting process
Changhua Densit Ducorit jacket grouting process