The near-shore wind project, Fryslan wind farm, is a 380MW commission in the Frisian section of Ijsselmeer Lake in the Netherlands. Densit Ducorit S8 ultra-high performance grout was chosen to be the grouting solution for securing the concrete platform over the monopile foundations. Densit Ducorit S8 designed specifically for offshore wind turbine grouting brings superior installation speed, and performance reliability.

The installation of the project began October 2nd, 2020 and was completed December 25th, 2020. With 89 concrete platforms grouted onto monopile transition pieces, the grouting work was extensive. Two tons of Ducorit S8 material per grouted connection were used in a single mixer spread, where the mixing and pumping equipment were mounted inside a convenient 20-foot container frame. Grouting operations were based on two 12 hour shifts to allow for a 24/7 operation. This makes Densit Ducorit S8 grout more than just a good alternative to OPC concrete, as the continuous pumping process allows multiple grouting operations to be completed in the same 24-hour period. Certified for installation in ambient conditions down to 1°C with outstanding flow retention, Ducorit S8 grout enabled three foundation installations within 24 hours.
Ducorit S8 grout is DNV-GL-ST-C502 certified. It is a pneumatically transferred product, purpose designed for grouted connections in offshore wind turbine foundations. MPA Hannover provided third party certification validating our superior results. With the completed project comes the opportunity to supply the much needed clean energy demand. According to NS Energy, the Fryslan wind farm is expected to generate 1,184GWh of clean electricity a year, or approximately 340,000 Dutch households over the expected life span of 20 years.
For information about Densit offshore or onshore grouting solutions, please contact us at