The customer needed a UHPC grout (Ultra-High Performance Cementitious) with a 120MPa or higher compressive strength for the grouting of the foundations being installed at the He Dreiht offshore wind farm in Germany. In parallel, they needed a company who they trusted to supervise the grout installs in a timely, safe, and professional manner while meeting the customers needs. The installers chosen would have to ensure the grout could be installed at a specific rate per hour to meet or beat the project timeline.
Not only did the customer need the right grouting solution for the project, but they also needed an installation team with a proven track record of handling large-scale wind projects such as the He Dreiht wind farm with a 960MW output projection.
With historic successful experience installing and grouting wind farms like TPC Changhua using the proven DNV / ZiE certified Densit Ducorit S5R grout, that met the project designer’s specified requirements, the customer new where to turn. Densit Ducorit S5R UHPC pumpable grouting material has the proven results desired, moving beyond performing as a good grout solution and as an exceptional solution, leaving the customer very pleased with the memorable and professional performance.
The Densit installation team worked directly with the customer on their vessel from a cradle arm adapted to extend off the side of the vessel, allowing for extra space. The installation team used new, state of the art mixing equipment to achieve a output within the expectation of the project. The installers succeeded in delivering high speed mixing and pumping rates up to 41 T/H (tons per hour) making for a more efficient system that require fewer people and resources.
Project Outcome:
Smarter, More Efficient System
The ongoing project has reached the halfway point of the project, a positive milestone that meets the customers expectations. The in process and 28-day strength tests prove Densit Ducorit S5R successful for installing the grout within both the expected time frames and delivering the material within project specifications.
Through the use of our new equipment and the expertise of the Densit installation team, the already high performing grout operation boosted productivity, using a streamlined and smarter system.