A wastewater treatment facility in Italy was searching for a durable floor coating to repair and rebuild spalled concrete around the clarifying section of their plant. The previous solution was to simply reinstall concrete patches when spalling was noticed.
This was not an effective solution as the floor had to be continuously monitored for rework. In addition, the high repair frequency resulted in equipment downtime. As a result, the customer was seeking a long-lasting floor coating to maximize the operational time of their primary and secondary clarifiers.
Devcon Floor Patch was chosen for its long-term durability, wear resistant property, and easy application.
- Devcon Floor Patch has a compression strength 3X that of typical of concrete.
- In addition, Devcon Floor Patch showed excellent chemical resistance to a variety of oils, solvents, and alkalis successfully protecting their concrete floors.
- Devcon Floor Patch was easy to mix and apply. Full cure was attained within 16 hours thereby minimizing overall repair time.
- Short- and long-term durability results alleviated the customer concerns of having to shut down and make new and repeat repairs as they had to do with their older repair system.
Project Outcome
Long-Lasting Solution
After one year, Devcon Floor Patch coating was intact and continued to protect the concrete surface from chemical and biological stresses. No rework was required on the surfaces coated with Devcon Floor Patch.
Increased Uptime
The wear-resistant properties of Devcon Floor Patch along with its durability and ease of application enabled the customer to reduce their repair time and achieve their maintenance goals.